Who We Are
Our Founder

Our Founder

Panagiotis Michael is from Cyprus and was born in 1967 in Germany. 
During his youth he was very sport active. 

While he was only 17 he was paralyzed by a rare disease in the nervous system, in the peripheral ends, which cause is still unknown.
At that time doctors could not make any specific provision neither for his recovery nor for his health or cure.
The most optimistic forecasts were talking for a partial rehabilitation after two years with a 40% disability. 
He makes it over within eight months while disproving Medicine's laws.
In 1990 he fulfilled his dreams and graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of Athens, which was the source of his inspiration during the paralysis.
At the peak of his career in 1997 at the age of 30 he was diagnosed with testicular cancer.
Luckily, cancer was at a very early stage. 
He won the battle against cancer because of his strong will for Life, his unwavering faith, his persistence, his patience and overcome this serious health problem, healthier as never before.
In January 2007 while having his annual checkups, he was diagnosed for the second time with testicular cancer.
It wasn't a metastasis but just an ironic coincidence, a new tumor...
Fortunate once again he was diagnosed at an early stage.
The reappearance of cancer after an absence of 10 years, created the need, and also became the mission of his life to provide people - involved with cancer- with physical and social support. 
Obvious In October 2007 he founded the Charitable Nonprofit Organization Friends of Cancer 
entitled "BE STRONG", providing factual information on issues related to cancer prevention 
and support for all those involved with this disease.
In December 2007, he published a book with the Greek title "Είμαστε τουρίστες» (We all are Tourists).
Not just a book but a soul deposition, a biography with his own experience while being sick with cancer in order to support other people while having their own battle and inspire them.
In February 2013, his book "Mr. Be Strong: The tourist of life" was translated in English and is sold via Amazon, the largest online book sales site.
Panagiotis Michael, was often invited as a Speaker to various events throughout Greece. 
Through his presentations he aims to by deposing his own personal experience, while stressing the importance of the demystification of cancer and the value of the cancer prevention
control tests.
"Be STRONG" is a non-profit organization and most of its revenues comes from donations, corporate sponsorships, and the incomes of the book "Mr. Be Strong:The tourist of life".
In 2010, “Be STRONG” was awarded the Mention of Honour 2010 by the European School of Oncology, within its Cancer on the Internet competition. The European School of Oncology concluded that the quality of the information provided to the Greek cancer community deserved recognition.
April 8th 2013 "Be STRONG" founder Panagiotis Michail was awarded by the Union “Together for the Child” the award “Life Lessons” for his voluntary work and for his voluntary action through "Be STRONG" in the vulnerable part of the society that is involved with cancer.
July 2013 Panagiotis Michail was one of the 10 “Heroes Among us” that was voted from people all over Greece for his contribution to the people involved with cancer and was presented live by the Greek media channel Antenna.
The next goal of the organization BE STRONG is the creation of the first wellness and holistic support center for all people involved with cancer in Greece (CANCER SURVIVORS WELLNESS CENTER). - 17.10.19