Give hope to others 

You can imagine how much hope you can offer if you share your story with other people involved with the cancer?

The idea is simple, that people involved with cancer, or are themselves cancer or a loved one is sick, can be helped by you, reading your own survival story and how you handled the whole situation.

Your own survival story with cancer, could reassure other people who face that they are not alone. 
Perhaps reading your own history to identify with your experience and help from useful hints or tips you may have. Any person affected by cancer, he has learned something that could benefit someone else.

  • It has come to the cancer in your life has touched you, or you yourself, or through a relative, friend or colleague?
  • Would you like to share your story with us?
  • Are you willing to share your personal experience with other people?

The time had experience with cancer, it does not matter. What is important is to share it. Just enough is more worthy to share your story, even if you had the experience before 20 years! 

Help other people, and sending your story
Can during your treatment, to want to express their feelings through some lyrics or a painting. Whatever is the way you share the expression! It's so therapeutic, particularly now that you know how it can help some people who are in despair. 

  • Your story may be in the form: letter, short story, diary, poem, photography, painting.
  • Each story can be accompanied by a photo or even a short video.
  • If you prefer not to publish your name, you can send us your story anonymously or under a pseudonym.
  • Finally if you want to send your story, but not published, you can just ask us to e-mail you send us. Maybe you just need to take some things from your soul! 
Let's stop hiding and let us share our experiences with other people. To share our story, on the health of other people is not ashamed. 
It can help thousands of people experiencing now, what we have already experienced and overcome in the past. 
Our strength is in our stories, which we share with others!

Send your story now at email: - 07.01.15